Moving Right Along…

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” Thank you Ferris Bueller!

And, thank you,! Today is our last day working together and I look forward to more great shopping in our future!

What does this mean for you, readers? It means continued great content and new projects on the horizon.


Im’Pressed’ With New Press on Nails

I just got and used “the new and improved” version of press on nails and I  must say I’m im‘pressed.’

I bought them at Bed Bath & Beyond on impulse, and left them in the cabinet. Then on Saturday when we had to go to nice holiday party and my nails looked craptastic as always, I “pressed” them into service. In less than 15 minutes, I had a decent hand to shake.

I didn’t even know what i was doing when I applied them because I had thrown out the instruction card, because I’m me. So I had no directions and they’re still on four days later.

They’re nice and short, which I prefer to the longer, less elegant, version.



Free Printable Lists and Calendars

I am a list girl. I keep lists everywhere. On the back of receipts, on my iPhone and most recently Stickies on my Mac to help me remember tasks -even really minute things.
I keep them to clear out  my head and get the details someplace more tangible.

I love lists because I can SEE what I need to get done and I can cross things off once complete. I even “mark” things off on my iPhone by placing a capital “X” next to it because I can’t physically scratch it off. I like to keep the lists. I’m am a record keeper. I never delete or very, very rarely, I should say.

I love a long running tab of what I’ve done for years. It warms my heart to reminisce and reminds me that I don’t, in fact, do nothing, which is often how I feel. I still find them from years ago and remember what I was up to back then.

Here are the links to a two great list templates that are helping me keep track of everything this Holiday Season.




P.S. (updated 12/4/12)  The Moleskine Smart Notebook would be great for capturing your lists!

From Techlicious:

Is your gift recipient an old fashioned note taker? Take her into the digital age with the Moleskine Evernote Smart Notebook. She can still take notes with pen and paper, but then she can easily digitize them by taking a photo of the pages with the Evernote app (free on iTunes) and even perform handwriting recognition. Price: starts at $29.95 for a 5” x 8” notebook on

Easy Fashion Favorites

Because I’m absolutely not ashamed to love Kate Middleton, I went straight to L.K. Bennett in London last Christmas and said, “What does Kate wear?” Followed closely by, “Ill take them.”

I came away with a timeless long black coat perfect for NYC weather (Kate’s is red) and her signature nude patent heels.

DH on HSN Set1C185DAE

The thing about copying a classic style like Kate’s is that its worth the investment! I can see why these are her staples. Great quality and classic style priced within reach. They’re my staples now too!

What Moms REALLY Talk About: Where Kids Poop.

Diana: Oh, and Mommy Moment of the Day!
Jac Lynn: Yes?
Diana: L actually pooped ALL OVER our dining table this morning when i wasn’t looking- FAIL 😦
Jac Lynn: OMG! LOL!
Jac Lynn: My Hair Guy’s little girl pooped IN the Baby Grand Piano when she was little!
Diana: OMG. Wow.
Jac Lynn: Then she came and told them about it!
Diana: I mean, how gross!
Jac Lynn: YES
Diana: Thank God it was the hard kind, but it was a lot.
Jac Lynn: YES
Diana: L was like, “I made poops!”
Diana: “Oh good, L. Where?”
Diana: “On the table.”
Jac Lynn: LOL
Jac Lynn: Yeeeaaaah. On. The. Table.
Diana: No one was home but the two of us. It was that in between time, when A and K are at School and The Babysitter isn’t in yet. And I’m always late. So I have been letting her do her thing.
Diana: Hmmm
Diana: Might need to rethink our schedule.
Diana: On. The. Table.
Jac Lynn: Lol.  Yes. Every mom has a poop story. My Grandmother’s is when my Aunt smeared it on the wall during her nap. Mine hasn’t happened yet.
Diana: Mine hadn’t either. TILL TODAY!
Jac Lynn: And now it has!
Diana: Ha!
Jac Lynn: Check
Diana: Smearing on wall. Very, very bad. Much worse than on the table.
Jac Lynn: Yes
Diana: Your Grandmother wins.
Jac Lynn: This time!

Free Mama Mio Boob Tube Cream for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Ladies, do not forget the importance of monthly self breast exams! Not just during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but every month.

If you need more incentive, look no further:

boob tube

10-Day Tryout Boob Tubes are available through (launching October 1st). Check it out!

Packing and Medical Tips for International Travel with the Kids

Wanderlust Blues for Intl2 by Nomadic Lass w watermarkOver at I wrote a follow up to International Family Travel: Passports and Jet Lag and New Food, Oh My!

Check it out: International Family Travel (Part 2): Packing and Medical Needs

This time I’ve covered packing and medical things to consider. These are the things other Mom’s are always asking about. If it generates any questions, please let me know in the comments!



                                                              Creative Commons Photo courtesy of Nomadic Lass

Dr. Scholl’s For My Soles!

It’s no secret. When you blog, people send you stuff. Dr. Scholl’s sent me the Dr. Scholl’s Original 2.0 in Dark Venom Red (Great name for a color!) and Dr. Scholl Women’s Jamie in Navy and Orange.


I am wearing my sandals today. And last Friday. They are my new Friday Shoe.
At first I had the strap over my foot too tight. I realized it’s just a snap to readjust it
so now I have them fitting perfectly and they’re my new, favorite, slide-on anytime shoe. With two little girls to keep up with, that’s important.

The sole makes walking feel a little like bouncing, but in a good way because of the material it’s made of. They are really light weight. When I pulled them out of the box, I was literally shocked for a second at how light it was in my hand. I handed them to someone next to me just to confirm I wasn’t crazy. They really are THAT light.

I’m into really bright, neon colors this season and I’ve always been a fan of pastels in summer. So I would love an orange pair or a pastel. Even nude would easily be something I’d wear every day. I have worn the Dr. Scholl’s Original 2.0 sandal with everything – shorts, pants, cropped pants and sundresses.

Dr. Scholl's SneakOrange is my new neutral this summer. I’m on my 3rd pair of bright orange sandals currently. I feel like you can get away with orange in a shoe because there isn’t too much material, so you only get a little flash of color over your feet. I wear orange literally with everything – patterns, pastels, neutrals. I am loving the orange and am sure I will continue right on into Fall with the Dr. Scholl Women’s Jamie in Navy and Orange. They are super comfortable.

Lucky for you, these great shoes from Dr. Scholl’s are on sale at (my day job) for up to 59% off. Sign up – It’s free.

Click Here for Dr. Scholl’s on Sale at Until 8/6/12

New York City is fun with kids! Really!

CentralPark AH and KHTravel with kids to NYC is totally doable. Here’s a post at my blog on Community at called The Family Travel Guide with my insider’s tips as a local NYC Mommy to help make your family vacation to the Big Apple fun and easy. I hope you enjoy showing New York City to your kids as much as I have.

Littles in the City: Traveling to New York with Kids




                                                                                         Photo by Diana Heather

My Dreams Come True on HSN

Diana Heather on HSN SetNot everyone gets the chance to do something they actually practiced in the mirror growing up and yesterday, I DID!

The Home Shopping Network gave me the opportunity to audition for the chance to represent on LIVE TV! Since it was something I’ve literally always dreamed of doing I took on the process with gusto and found myself living out a dream in the HSN studios yesterday.

Just before we went live, there was a moment I was able to calm my nerves, and just let go and enjoy. I knew this was what I had always dreamed of and that I had done my homework on all the products I was talking about and that it was time to relax, and be me and do what I love doing.

I had so much fun once the cameras went on.

My Dad always says, “You can’t sell something you wouldn’t buy yourself.”

I actually loved every product I was talking about.

I got to talk sincerely about toys my kids and I really DO have fun with.

Toys from brands I trust and spend my own money on.

Every word was completely true!

All my life I’ve been the one to promote the products I love to friends and anyone who will listen.

This time I got to do it as part of my job.

Isn’t the dream to get paid to do what you already love doing? This was totally that day for me.

My favorite part about being on HSN yesterday was KNOWING that I was living my dream. That in those minutes, my actual dreams were happening. I was acutely aware of the need to soak it all in. I’m a very lucky girl.

Everyone’s been asking about the toys on HSN. Here’s a quick list.

Diana Heather  in Green Room at HSNXOXO,